Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jesus and the Law: An Ancient Text in a Postmodern Context Essay

Jesus and the Law: An Ancient Text in a Postmodern Context In looking at Jesus and the law we must acknowledge that Jesus is the fulfillment of the old covenant. Every theme in the Old Testament points forward towards Jesus. The law is the character of God written in a language which human beings can understand. The law was given to show us the holiness of God and to demonstrate man’s imperfection. The entire reason for the law was so that we would understand that through our own efforts and abilities, we can never reach God’s level of holiness, and as such, we would eternally remain damned. But God, gave us the law so that through our continuous failure we would see the light of the truth, which is Jesus Christ. When we willingly acknowledge this ultimate truth, we will recognize that the only way we can ever, possibly, enter the Kingdom of Heaven is by the mercy and grace of our God. It is because of God’s mercy and grace that he decided to send his Son to die in our stead, so that through his death and resurrection we might find eternal life. It is only through Jesus Christ as the slain Lamb of God, risen and interceding for mankind, that we can ever touch the heart of God. God’s plan began in Eden with the fall of man and every act of God was directed towards this end; that Jesus would come to earth to die as our perfect and permanent sin sacrifice. Jesus came in fulfillment of the prophetic foreshadowing presented in the Old Testament. So if we are to choose one scripture to study regarding Jesus and the law we can safely and aptly choose Matthew, chapter 5 and versus 17-48; the Sermon on the Mount. In this passage we shall examine four aspects, relating to Jesus and the law, which are; Jesus proclaims the law; Jesus’ interpretation of the law; Jesus’ fulfillment of the law; and Jesus and the law today. Jesus Proclaims the Law To understand the scripture found in Matthew we must recognize that in this time and in this place Jesus was speaking to the people during the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus was teaching the law of the old covenant because he had not died yet, and so the new covenant was not yet in practice. â€Å"The statues [of the law] are grounded in God’s work in creation and they serve God’s relational purposes of life, stability, and the well-being of individuals and communities† (Fretheim, 163). The primary message that Jesus was communicating can be understood in one verse, â€Å"Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect† (New Revised Standard Version, Matt 5:49). He was teaching the law of the Torah; the law of God. The law demanded perfection, and Jesus was certainly encouraging people to pursue perfection. Jesus pursued this same perfection and was not without temptation. He was flesh and blood. Jesus was a human being with all of our frailties, needs, and desires. He was as much a human as any human being on earth. He suffered persecution and trouble as is evident in his words â€Å"Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely† (Matt 5:11). Jesus knew how it felt to be persecuted. He was not without compassion for mankind. Yet, He knew that perfection could only be found in practicing obedience to the law, which is why He went willingly to the cross. Brueggemann writes â€Å"The Torah is not God, for in our obedience and disobedience this is a God; so near. But God is not God without Torah, and if we would know God, it comes by way of obedience† (115). Jesus came in fulfillment of the law, and He was obedient to the law of His Father. He became our example of righteous, selfless, obedient love for God. Jesus was the fulfillment of the law, lived in obedience to the law and taught obedience to the law. He knew that in order for us to touch the heart of God, or even diligently stretch out our imperfect fingertips toward God, we must be obedient to the Law. Jesus’ Interpretation of the Law Jesus spent a great deal of His time interpreting the law for us. During the Sermon on the Mount Jesus proclaimed that people should put on God’s holiness. He taught the people of the very character of God. Jesus taught the law as the covenant between God and man and as the way to God. Jesus does not interpret the law as the Pharisees did which sought to enslave the people within a heavy yoke, which they were always unable to bear. The people thought to live under the law were simply struck down by the taskmaster’s lash. But here in Matthew, Jesus taught of love, and of forgiveness, which transcends the law. The Pharisees proclaimed traditions which laid outside the law and which were a lower standard of righteousness than that set forth by God’s pure Law. During the Sermon on the Mount Jesus gave examples of how tradition had been used to set aside the real intent of the Law. For example he said; You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous (Matt 5:43-45). If the people are obedient to laws which were not given by God then disobedience results, which leads to separation from God. Jesus interpreted the law so that the people would be made righteous through obedience to the law. Even Jesus said â€Å"For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven† (Matt 5:20). Moreover, He interpreted the law in a new light which offers mankind a view into the holy heart of God. Isaiah predicted that Jesus would teach the lawâ€Å"for the sake of his righteousness, to magnify his teaching and make it glorious† (Isa. 42:21). And this Jesus did for the sake of the Lord’s righteousness. Jesus’ Fulfillment of the Law Jesus came in fulfillment of the law. Jesus said Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. (Matt 5:17-18). He is the light at the end of the old covenant which shines brightly toward the future for those that would see. There were two avenues available to mankind under the law. The first avenue was total obedience and the second was death. If the way of obedience was not chosen then the only way to go was towards death. But theses avenues were dimly lit and the people strained to see which one was the right path to take. Our sinful nature prevents us from living in total obedience to the law as given from Moses, therefore there was only one outcome or one avenue for mankind which is death. But Jesus came in fulfillment of the law. Jesus walked on both avenues of the Law. He took the first avenue by living a life in absolute obedience to the Law. He was God manifested in the flesh. God became as a man and lived perfectly, because there was no sin within Him. On the first avenue, Jesus fulfilled the law, by living in obedience to its demands. Jesus also took the second avenue available to a man of flesh by dying for our sins. The law demanded death for anyone who did not live in obedience to it, and He died on behalf of everyone whose obedience waned. Therefore Jesus was the fulfillment of the law and through Him we can find life and not death if we chose to walk with him along the avenues of life. â€Å"Fretheim writes The Primal sin may thus best be defined as mistrust of God and God’s word, which then manifests itself in disobedience and other behaviors† (78). If we trust in God’s words then we will choose to be obedient to His words and his laws of holiness. If we chose disobedience then we choose death. But it is Jesus’ fulfillment of the law that gives us this gift of choice. It is God’s sacrifice of His only Son, who was made to suffer as flesh, blood and bone on this earth at the hands of the very beings He was sent to die for. It was Jesus’ fulfillment of the law that allows us to entertain the possibility of seeing God. Jesus’ and the Law Today Men argue today about the question of following the old covenant or following the new covenant. But the two covenants are meant to be intermingled in the hearts of men. The old covenant attends the new and the new covenant fulfills the old. Jesus’s obedience to the laws of the covenant imparts authority and thus is due our obedience. There are some that say Jesus ended the law, which is partly true since He is he fulfillment of the law and the term â€Å"fulfillment’ imparts a conclusion, or an ending to something. However, that is not to say that the law is no more. Indeed God’s law is unchanged. It was the traditions of man that sought to imprison mankind in their sinful flesh, which then brought eternal dependence on other men (e.g. Pharisees or Priests) to bring them back into the grace of God. Jesus offered us a new way into the grace of God and that way is found at Calvary. Jesus’ obedience to the law became a paradigm for the modern church. Suzanne Johnson writes that becoming a Christian includes â€Å"instruction in the sacred writings, the reshaping of ethical vision, and formation of ethical responsibilities† (19-20). Where does the Christian find a standard for this ethical vision or responsibilities? We are supposed to read the sacred writings which provide us with a standard and the example of a holy God, made flesh in the form of Jesus Christ. For many centuries the church followed the strict practices of man’s doctrine which they interpreted from the scriptures as the desire of God. Not so oddly, most of these adherences were geared towards practices that men detected in women. For example, for many years women were not allowed to speak in the church service. This practice was gleaned from Paul’s writings when he was addressing some problems in the church of Corinth. There were some traditions or practices that were set up for men also, like abstaining from the use of tobacco, foul language (which was determined by the society of that era), and the wearing of revealing clothing (e.g. short sleeve shirts). None of these traditions were practiced by Jesus or authorized according to His word. Even John said â€Å"Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him† (3:17). The church changes over time. It moves and sways with the society in which it exists, especially in regard to their boundaries, beliefs, and practices. What was once taboo, or forbidden, is now acceptable. The Church of God has twenty-nine practical and doctrinal commitments, but seven of these beliefs have to do with everyday living aspects given from interpretation of modern man ( The practical commitments have changed a great deal since the church was formed over 127 years ago. Men are trying way too hard to make it down that avenue of obedience. Jesus came to make it easier and yet, in our infinite wisdom and striving for excellence on our own merit, we have made it way more complicated that it actually is. Conclusion Jesus did not give any authority to the laws of man, but came to fulfill the laws of God alone. Jesus offers us examples of the law in his life and in His death. If we are to follow in His footsteps down the pathway of earthly life to eternal life, then we have to put down those beliefs and practices which serve only to separate men from each other and from God. It is in the practice of love and forgiveness that we shall find the heart of God. From the very beginning God had a plan to bring mankind back into an intimate relationship with him. He has given us the law so that we might find His Spirit dwelling in us through the blessing of obedience. Through God’s Spirit we find peace and light. Because God loves us so much He provided that the avenue we must follow is easy and joyful. To be obedient to God is to be blessed and joyful throughout one’s life. This law, which applies to all humankind for all time, is founded upon God’s holiness. God does not change and his holiness does not change, therefore the law does not change. It is the same loving guidance for every generation that was, that is, and that is to come. Fretheim declares, â€Å"The reason for the giving of the law is stated clearly: it is a gracious divine gift ‘so that you may live, and that it may go well with you, and that you may live long in the land’ (5:33)† (156). Why do we fight against the law of God? Is it because we have romanticized death through media messages which falsely present a passionate view of de ath, or is it because we cannot see that peace, life, and God–Himself- is found within the obedient existence. Jesus’ life would be a lie if it were not for the law. The law prophesized of his coming and of his sacrificial role. He came to live and die in the promises of God. There was no other reason for Jesus to come to this earth and die a terrible death, other than to fulfill the law. God said it, and since His word does not change, nor return void, it had to be so. If we look at no other scripture than Matthew 5:17-48 we can clearly define the role of the law and Jesus’ participation in the law. For in this scripture we see Jesus proclaim the law, Jesus interpret the law for all of mankind, Jesus fulfilled the law; and Jesus make the law applicable today, and forever and always. Works Cited Bruegemann, Walter. The Creative Word: Canon as a Model for Biblical Education. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982. Print. Fretheim, Terence E. The Pentateuch. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1996. Print. Johnson, Susanne. Christian Spiritual Formation in the Church and Classroom. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989. Print. New Revised Standard Version. Ed. Michael Coogan. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Print. South Georgia Church of God. â€Å"South Georgia Church of God.† 2010. Who We Are. Web. 17 October 2013.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How Does Margaret Atwood Portray Love

In A Women's Issue, Orpheus (1 and Orpheus (2), Margaret Atwood exposes what love can be and what it can do. Ultimately, Atwood presents love as an evil disguise which brings about misery and not happiness. In A Women's Issue, Atwood shows different scenarios of women in unfavorable circumstances. First there is, â€Å"The woman In the spiked device/ that locks around the waist and between/ the legs, with holes In It Like a tea strainer† (Atwood 1-3). This chastity device was probably created to protect the woman's flagrantly out of love.However, the love of the woman, or possibly the love of virtuous women resulted in he creation of a device that must be insufferable (and unhealthy) to wear. Second there is a woman with, â€Å"†¦ A four-inch/ wooden peg jammed up/ between her legs so she can't be raped† (6-8). In this instance, Atwood presents a barbaric and ironic world. The poem makes it seem as though the woman will get raped the moment she takes out the wooden peg which is very savage. It Is also Ironic that the woman who does not want to be raped has a peg placed Inside herself.Affection is absent, and as the examples continue in the poem, this idea progresses. Exhibit C he young girl dragged into the bush by midwives and made to sing while they scrape the flesh from between her legs, then tie her thighs till she scabs over and Is call healed. Now she can be married†¦ Men like tight women (10-18) In the previous case, a young girl is forced to have her privates changed so that she is pleasing to the opposite sex because they believe men love tight women.The midwives probably think they are showing love to the young girl because they are making her more desirable and fit for marriage, however, this love results In pain and f the poem Atwood poses an interesting question; â€Å"Who invented the word love? † (39). With this last statement, Atwood challenges the view that love is affection for a person and expressed through pass ion. She describes the place between a woman's leg as, â€Å"Enemy territory, no man's/ land, to be entered furtively/ fenced, owned but never surely' (30-32), and men only have â€Å"†¦ Uneasy power† (37).In this poem, passion does not really exist and love is a guise under which humans can be inhumane. In Orpheus 1, love acts as a cover for egotistical need. The poem is told form the respective of Eurydice, Orpheus' wife who was bitten by a viper and died shortly after they were married. Orpheus travels to the underworld, and using his irresistible singing voice, renders Hades powerless. He then leads his wife out of the underworld, but not before he is given the simple condition to not look back at Eurydice until they are out of the underworld.Orpheus is very controlling and never considers what Eurydice may have chosen to do. The poems begins, muff walk in front of me,] pulling me back out/ to the green light that had once/ grown fangs and killed me† (1-4). Th e word pulling implies that Eurydice does not want to go back to the world of the living. Eurydice is also fearful of the world because of the viper that killed her, yet Orpheus is only thinking about his self-satisfaction which he calls love. The poem continues, â€Å"l was obedient, but/†¦ He return/ to time was not my choice† (5-8). Unfortunately, Orpheus is blinded by his ego disguised as love and does not consider whether or not Eurydice want to go with him. Furthermore, it is stated, Mimi had your old leash/ with you, love you might call it† (14-15). Clearly, love is to affection, but a means of control. This overbearing control masked as love resulted in unhappiness. Orpheus looked backed too soon, before Eurydice was out of the cave and thus she, â€Å"†¦ Had to/ fold like a gray moth and let go' (36-37).Orpheus 2 further shows the negative effects that Orpheus' ego-love had. After losing love, which is power to Orpheus, he tries to bring it back, but to no avail. â€Å"He has been trying to sing/ love into existence again/ and he has failed† (13-15). He goes on singing, â€Å"among the gray stones/ of the shore where nobody goes/ through fear. Those with silence† (10-12), however, the others so not want him to continue to sing. â€Å"They have cut off both his hands'†¦ They will tear/ his head from his body in one burst/ of furious refusal. He foresees this, Yet he will go on† (23-27). Ultimately, Orpheus suffers because of his misinterpretation of love. He no longer has the love of Eurydice. He cannot please with his singing any longer. He fails to bring true love and affection back into existence. Ultimately, he suffers a cruel death. In these poems by Margaret Atwood, romantic and affectionate love does not exist. Love is absent and unkind when present. It hurts and takes and leaves pain in its wake.It is like a trench coat, concealing a deadly weapon. Instead of the warm feelings of adoration and p assion, Atwood presents what love really is most of the time – a cover for an unlikable trait – an excuse for unthinkable actions. Simply, love is a deliverer of pain. Who really did invent the word love? Perhaps he was a guilty deceiver, outwitting the world to his own advantage; hiding treachery behind a brilliant smile. Cared about. The word must have been untainted then, still innocent; not yet evil.

Monday, July 29, 2019

5 Projects To Visit Before Doing Anything In Dubai

5 Projects To Visit Before Doing Anything In Dubai As Dubai is getting geared up for hosting the new developments for coming years, the whole economic horizon has got a fast move. Major visitor and recreational points of interest across the city are usually taking a leap, with projects effectively worth gigantic amounts of money already on their way. If you are interested to see the Dubai future projects, then do not forget to visit these places below. 1. Al Habtoor City This city offers 3 well-appointed inns Regis, a leading W Lodge, presenting more than 2,600 sophisticated suites. This town specifically offers 3 stylish noncommercial podiums, a 2,300-seat perpetual water-based cinema by Franco Dragone known as La Perle, and several stores and recreational amenities, such as shops, well-known dining places and state-of-the-art restaurants, a blvd, a marina balcony, a golf academy and divine landscapes. The exceptional advancement also offers 3 luxurious noncommercial properties, Noura, Amna Meera, in a couple of 74-storey podiums and another 52-storey tower, including elegant condominiums, together with 14 penthouses, 3 of which are generally Very important personnel penthouses. Their attics have expansive living areas, roomy cooking areas, and several balconies having hypnotic vistas. A few penthouses cover a space of 900sq m of the magnificent standard of living with big glass windows. The towers’ 7 penthouses have 862 sqm, with the L-shaped living area, providing occupants clear sights of the exclusive swimming pool, spa bath and landscaped backyard. Extend across 4 floors; the 3 Very important personnel penthouses possess magnificent spaces, several garden balconies, open-air spa bath, a workout room, saunas and steam area the best high-end experience. 2. Al Seef Expanding 1.8km over the Creek and in the vicnicity to National Historical Area, Al Seef is built to keep Emirati lifestyle at its root. Experience the country’s traditions, take a trip through their history and submerge in the customs through programs and ethnic gatherings at the open-air amphitheater as well as open-air memorial, museums, and galleries, Emirati handmade items selling shops and conventional souks, plus floating trading markets. Site visitors can see glimpses associated with Emirati tradition, for example, pearl scuba diving, angling, vessel building and have the means to access abras as well as dhows. The waterside viewpoint may also have eateries and dining places exactly where site visitors can eat, unwind and then inhale the timeless ambiance, precisely where dhows drift their way on the superbly serene stream. This project will be the place to find 3 lodgings a 200-key history, a 150-key modern elegant and a 250-room cutting-edge extravagance resort. 3. Bvlgari Resort Hotel and Marina Village Specifically situated on Jumeirah Bay Isle, a seahorse-shaped tropical isle off the coastline of Jumeirah Seashore, Bvlgari Vacation resort is actually designed by renowned developers of the city and is the world’s 5th Bvlgari Resorts Hotels property. Scheduled to be functional this coming year, its made by an Italian company. The particular 1.8-million-sq-ft multifaceted building will encompass 101 suites and rooms, twenty noncommercial private villas coupled with a marina surrounded by landscapes and followed by a full array of deluxe features. The occupants can have spectacular sights of the Arabian Beach and a pristine sand seashore cove. 4. Dubai Frame Standing upright at 150m height and 93m in width in Za’abeel Recreation area, Dubai Frame is going to be on the list of the city’s one of a kind and unforgettable attractions upon its finalization by the end of this year. Providing strength to its legendary status, it will eventually gleam against the azure skies with its a couple of glowing towers and a linking bridge. The frame signifies the new, the old and the potential of Dubai. Site visitors will turn to Dubai’s history at the mezzanine standard, the location where the city’s background and development will be explained through a brand new and refreshed means of demonstration. The site visitors will certainly enjoy the sky patio point that has a 360-degree sight of Ancient Dubai to the northern part and Brand-new Dubai towards the south. Theyll experience fun packages to complement the revolutionary Dubai adventure. The ultimate experience is a digital urban center of the city, walking visitors through the present to five decades into the foreseeable future in the spectacular metropolis. 5. Bluewaters Island A Meraas venture, Bluewaters is without a doubt a cutting-edge family-friendly tropical isle spot proudly located off the coastline of Jumeirah. Its a human-made compounded tropical isle which is the place to find a privileged choice of high-class condominiums, penthouses, and townhomes. Within this tropical isle, you will not have issues finding the world’s biggest wheel named Ain Dubai, which is 210m in height. Established to be on the list of world’s biggest travel and leisure hang-outs housing a couple of high-end resorts, Bluewaters Island will be a shopper’s heaven, having a wide array of retail and cuisine aspects. JBR’s The Shore is also a couple of minutes of easygoing walk away. This plan would be to construct ten non-commercial towers, providing 3-bedroom condominiums. This tropical isle is going to be linked to the landmass by way of a direct road from Shaikh Zayed Highway. A monorail model will certainly run and carry tourists on a driverless vehicle platform to Dubai Metro’s Nakheel Harbor and Towers platform. A walking bridge will link up this tropical isle to the JBR beach, providing its occupants and site visitors a couple of minutes of a good old stress-free stroll.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Undecided Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Undecided - Essay Example According to Foucault, achieving control over the individuals is one of fundamental motives in exercising discipline. Attaining power also acts as a means of transforming the behavior of subjects. Detainees get essential services from their closets and do not have the freedom to interact (Foucault, 2008). Foucault also elaborated the effects of discipline given the control that it attracts on subjects. He related discipline and control to the Panopticon designed by Bentham. The Panopticon was an effective structure in conducting day and night surveillance of prisoners without their awareness. The structure had several prison cells surrounding a high observation tower, with masked windows to hide the surveillance unit officers. It was challenging to realize the presence of any light inside the tower to keep prisoners guessing. The masking of tower’s windows would hide anyone inside. Control, according to Foucault, is achievable from discipline instilled and is the center of att aining power over subjects. The design was to keep the prisoners unaware of any surveillance going on in the tower, at any time. The design of the Panopticon gained dominance in design of most present day prisons. The effectiveness of the design in enabling observation of prisoners, while they remain unaware, was the main reason for its adoption. Current security measures as the observation cameras also use the same design in surveillance. Panopticism is an avenue of achieving power over the conduct of humans and an avenue where exercise of power takes place. The Panopticon is a representation of the modern society utilizing discipline and punishment. Although Foucault appreciates the freedom of members of any society, he maintains that control and examination are vital for institutions and governments to undertake as an avenue of control. Directed by M. Scorsese and adapted by L. Kalogridis in 2010, Shutter Island is an American masterpiece thriller movie that attracted a plausible number of viewers. The movie setting is in 1954 and it features investigative roles by Teddy Daniels. Shutter Island is a facility for the criminally insane, converted from its former function as a fortress used by Civil War fighters. Daniels has long experience in investigation given his role throughout the Second World War. Daniel’s role is to find out the loss of a patient from the facility on the Island. The patient, Rachel Solando, was under medication at the hospital of the mentally insane. The investigator has to perform against several constraints including denied access to crucial documents at the facility that would be important for the investigation. The facility management does not cooperate with Daniels and the mission turns challenging from the beginning. Their mission faces many distractions including the great storm that separates the two, Daniels and Chuck Aule, his partner. They find it stressful but do not stop at that. Their investigation skills are super b to allow them access shocking information about the facility’s illegal operations. Although Daniels is on a mission to investigate the case of a disappeared patient at the facility, he has other interests as well. He holds the belief that he may find credible information surrounding the horrible death of his wife, at the medical facility. The chief at the prison, Dr. Cawley, holds exceptional authority to command what favors him most. This further complicates the whole process of investigation. The

Tourism - Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism - Operation Management - Essay Example Handling the transport of the visitors is a major concern for tourist sector because it would influence the activities of major hotels that would be hosting visitors (Alcantara, 2012:1). A delay created by the transport department would reverberate to influence programs of tourism industry. The intention of this paper is to investigate London 2012’s, current transportation network, and how it may affect the transfer of clients during the duration of their stay. The paper will recommend how tour operator business can ensure good performance while delivery high quality. London has embarked on infrastructure development, which includes building of rail line, expansion of roads as well refurbishing of personal houses be individuals. The private sector expects to rent their apartments to Olympics tourists. Stores have made adequate arrangement for goods in the wake of the Olympics. Goal of London Olympics Olympics has diverse goals which aim at creating development opportunities, p romoting women interest, protecting athletics, creating of avenues, which bring sustainable development and creating sporting opportunity during summer. The current situation London transport system depends on the services of trains, roads, underground trains, and air transport. Since UK got the opportunity to host Olympics think tanks have been assessing the current trends of transport network with a view of meeting needs of visitors that London would host. Current reports shows that London trains, buses and underground trains struggle to make 12 million journeys in a day. The figure is likely to rise following the demands that the transport sector would meet during Olympics. Organizers of the Olympics believe that London will have to meet the needs of 3 million extra journeys. London expects to host 10,500 athletes, 20,000 journalists, and 9,000 officials (Travis, 2011:16). The major concern is the ability of the transport system to facilitate timely arrival of the athletes. The c hallenges have necessitated creation of a program, which intends to upgrade the transport sector to cope with the anticipated number. Tour sector has numerous services, which include transportation, booking, reservation, ticketing among others. The sector host taxi operators as well as tour cars that offer services from one destination to the other. The road situation in London has an ability of supporting a given number of vehicles thereby influencing the approach that London Olympic committee would take (Great Britain. 2006:132). The idea is to meet the needs of the Olympic tourists as well as meeting the needs of tourists. Balancing the two issues is quite intricate given the situation of infrastructure (roads, railway line, and airports). Environment for Tour Industry Strength London boost of its capacity to receive tourists across the globe. It is one of most visited city in the world. It is a major destination for visitors because of business that it commands and leisure activ ities that many visitors acquire when they come to London. Hotel industry in London is one of flourishing sectors because of the population that they serve around the year. London has regional air services, which offer transport at reasonable costs. Olympic tourists can use the opportunity to visit in lands or other regions of the country. Opportunities London has a legacy of housing plan that can accommodate the visitors. It also command sustainable

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Growth through Internationalisation among Entrepreneurial Firms Essay

Growth through Internationalisation among Entrepreneurial Firms - Essay Example . The study of internationalization and its effects on growth of entrepreneurial firms have been studied using secondary data from relevant articles. These articles are chosen based on its topic and content, which is relevant in the study of internationalization and its effect on the growth of entrepreneurial companies. Each of the articles is thoroughly analyzed and the information recovered from them is used to discuss its implications on entrepreneurial activities. The journal article by Buckley and Hashai is chosen for its analysis. Their article â€Å"Formalizing internationalization in the eclectic paradigm† is based on an equilibrium model which describes internationalization in the light of competitive advantage. It explains why firms adopt overseas expansion strategies and how it acts on behalf of their growth. The aim and objective of this article are to establish a formalized theory on internationalization in the light of eclectic paradigm by reconfiguring certain ne o-classical economic theories. A set of inequalities has been formulated to establish the role of eclectic paradigm in overseas expansion. The equilibrium is based on the concept of ownership advantage, location advantage, and internalization advantage which has been incorporated into the general equilibrium model, mostly preferred by economists. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is explained as an operation model which maximized the utility of workers and entrepreneurs simultaneously. A firm adopts an overseas operation only when the total utility received from FDI activities in a host country is more than the total utility received from the exports, domestic consumption and inward FDI. The three elements of the eclectic paradigm are ownership, location and internalization advantages. These are continuous in nature and often tend to support each other. The decrease in one advantage can be compensated by the other two. These competitive advantages are leveraged by the entrepreneurial firms to enhance their growth overseas and gain an edge over its competitors.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The future of the Health Information Profession Research Paper

The future of the Health Information Profession - Research Paper Example mands in that field have been on the increase and the lowest qualifications being required by most health care organizations is a Master’s degree due to the advancement of the technology as well as changes in the relevance of the field and the increase demand for such professionals (Green and Bowie, 2010). Due to the high demand and the low supply, the Health Information Managers salaries have increased with more than $25,000 per annum with the lowest paid Health Information Managers who is also a Bachelor’s degree holder is $75,000 and this is still on the increase as long as the demand still remains high. The remunerations increase with the increase in educational level and job experience. The job roles and duties of the Health Information Managers have also been changing. Previously, their work majorly involved data entry in the hospitals but with time and currently, their duties has increased and become more complicated to include duties such as managing the patients’ records, administration of computer information systems and coding procedures to all the health care service providers’ not necessarily just hospitals as before. They are also required to link data and information on health data electronically to the department of health and hospitals for more efficient and effective health care service delivery (Zeng, Reynolds and Sharp, 2009). As mentioned above, Health Information Management is a very fast growing and most in demand career field due to its integration with technology. According to the Chicago Tribune, there are several more advanced and higher paying job opportunities lined up for now and in future for the Health Information Managers (Lee, 2013). These prospective future careers include home health care services, nursing care facilities, the outpatient care centres (McWay, 2013). There are also jobs as compliance risk managers in other health care organizations and whose role is meant to alleviate the health care conditions for the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The European Debt Crisis, Can the World Ignore it and Keep it European Research Paper

The European Debt Crisis, Can the World Ignore it and Keep it European - Research Paper Example Most of these outcomes are as a result of the stimulus packages that were passed by the European governments in an aim to stop the economic crisis that is taking place in Europe1. Most the European governments have spent a lot of resources on the stimulus packages in an attempt of preventing themselves from great collapse but have in turn created a debt crisis2. i. Thesis Statement With reference to the discussion question given, this paper will analyze if the world can afford to ignore the European debt crisis and leave it to the Europeans. It will also analyze the causes of the crisis and what the European governments are doing to try and solve the impending crisis which is threatening to destroy the prosperity of the European countries which have been economically stable as compared to the rest of the continent. ii. Discussion The world cannot ignore the European debt crisis because the European countries came into these debts as a result of trying to solve the financial crisis th at many countries were facing at the time. This debt crisis has made so difficult for most of the European countries to finance the debts that are owed by their governments without any assistance from the outside world. By the end of 2010, over 90 of the biggest banks in Europe had lent over 760 Euros to countries like Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. Due to this, the bank system in Europe is on the verge of recession. Every attempt at being made to save a bank system that is struggling with that, the same banking system had lent a lot of money to governments. Despite the financial crisis that is being faced by European governments that Euro has managed to remain stable on the financial market although many financial analysts have predicted of its loosing of strength against all the other market currencies3. In November 2011, it was seen that the Euro was trading slightly higher in the financial market than it was at the beginning of the financial crisis. Three countries that were most affected by the financial crisis were Greece, Ireland and Portugal. These three countries account for 6% of the Eurozone’s gross domestic products (GDP) collectively4. iii. Causes The European debt crisis was caused by the financial markets and other financial institutions which were greedy and blind in terms of the eurozone. In addition to that, there was the adoption of the Euro which led to the biggest drop in the interest rates and a lack of confidence from financial institutions to the European governments5. The domestic demand for finance also went very high which in turn cause a surge in the financial sector and in turn caused the a crisis. The growth of the Eurozone countries which was driven by the services offered domestically and construction was accelerated while the export industry in these countries remained in the same position thereby causing abundance in the foreign capital invested in the Eurozone countries. When European countries went to sav e the globe from a financial crisis, the European countries ended up with debts that the governments cannot afford to pay for. In the meantime as this looming crisis was at hand, Germany was transformed in a historic transformation to become one of the world’s largest exporters6. There was also excessive lending by financial institutions which led to a loss of competitiveness due to the unsound economic developments in several Eurozone countries

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

How do gender stereotypes influence the discourses of youth sexuality Essay

How do gender stereotypes influence the discourses of youth sexuality studies by Beres and the forms of sexual coercion among youth studies by Hartwick et al - Essay Example This double standard where sexual initiation and assertiveness is concerned is what propagates the gender stereotype (Hartwick et al 159). The same gender stereotype is discussed in Beres’ article which concerns discourses on youth sexuality especially the unplanned sexual encounter â€Å"it just happened.† In this case, women are portrayed as naà ¯ve where the unplanned sexual encounter is concerned whereas the males are seen as the propagators having had time to contemplate and plan of their moves to the last detail of how they can lure the woman to bed but at the same time making it appear as is if â€Å"it just happened† (Beres 171). It is this assumption that leads to gender stereotype. According to the research carried out by both Hartwick et al and Beres, it is evident that women who engage knowingly in sexual behavior or openly portray their sexual assertiveness are considered â€Å"sluts† by the society. This negative branding of the women is however not accorded to the men. It is actually a benefit and a â€Å"normal† thing for men to have expansive information and knowledge about sexual matters which even guarantees them positive praises from the same society. It is actually deemed â€Å"womanly† when a man is not sexually pervasive or does not plan for a sexual encounter even when it seems â€Å"accidental† to the woman. Based on this and also as a result of this stereotype, it therefore does not come as a surprise that for the sexually assertive women to term the unplanned sexual encounters as â€Å"accidents† or indicate that â€Å"it just happened† than openly admit they also had premeditated the encounter and had even instigated and propelled it to some extent. The lack of belief and even societal pressure for the women to be sexually â€Å"naive† and the men to have sexual â€Å"machismo† is what leads to men becoming irresponsible and even not care about their sexual actions. Based on Beres’ article, men are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Life, work and influence of Lord Norman Forster Essay

Life, work and influence of Lord Norman Forster - Essay Example azakhstan, Hearst Tower in New York, National Police Memorial in London, Tanaka Business School in London, London City Hall, Dumas Headquarters, Swiss Re London, and won Sterling Prize twice. Over the years, his style has been evolved into a personification of perfection and he untiringly tries to innovate and improve his designs. â€Å"Fosters earlier designs reflected a sophisticated, machine-influenced high-tech vision. His style has since evolved into a more sublime, sharp-edged modernity† He was knighted in 1990 and was awarded Pritzker Architecture Prize in 1999. This prize is considered to be the Nobel of subject. He remains a kind of superstar architect, also called the â€Å"Lord Wobbly† of the British tabloids. He is regarded to be one of the best architects in the world today, with immense contribution to the field. His designs are occupying exalted places and Lord Foster is considered to be one of the national assets. This enterprising and visionary architect had been in news all along. He has received life tribute from House of Lords. Also has received hundreds of other awards including the RIBA gold medal. Foster and Partners was established in 1967, and his college mate, Richard Rogers joined him. This pair has created perhaps some of the greatest architectures in the world. Norman, along with architectural designs and execution, also designs building accessories like handles and furniture. Even though born into an ordinary working class family without any prop-ups, Lord Norman created a legendary success story for himself and his company, with his determination and talent. His Pritzker citation says: "His design objectives are guided not only toward the overall beauty and function of a project, but for the well-being of those people who will be the end-users. This social dimension to his work translates as making every effort to transform and improve the quality of life. In

The Pursuit of a Just and Stable Society Essay Example for Free

The Pursuit of a Just and Stable Society Essay In Plato’s writings that reached its full expression in his famous dialogue, The Republic, he argued that attainment of a just and orderly society lies on the establishment of a society wherein the reigning regime or leader is a philosopher king or queen who possesses the necessary wisdom of philosophy, ethics and politics. In Plato’s republic or just and ordered some of the main features are the abolition of private property or the holding of all goods to belong in public. These extended to the sharing of wives and husbands, establishments and almost anything in the city. Summing up Plato’s ideas in The Republic, a just and ordered society can only be attained by the reign of the philosopher king or queen and the abolition of anything that is private (Cooper, 1997). For about 2000 years after Plato wrote these ideas, almost the same framework or way of thinking had rose in to fame and managed to take the world by storm. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published what is known as The Communist Manifesto, which is considered as one of the most influential political text of all time. In the said literature, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had tried to explain how our modern society can manage to attain a society that is just and orderly. Reading the said manifesto, we can conclude that one of the most central ideas for the attainment of this ideal society that we are talking about is this – the abolition of private property. For the two thinkers, they believed that the most important foundation of any capitalist society that is the dominant idea on the world is the concept of private ownership. In the text, they had tried to build an argument that says that capitalism is evil. With arguments like alienation and exploitation, they almost declared that capitalism is the cause of all the evil that is happening in the world (Marx et al 1888/1967). However, as they argued, this evil (capitalism) has been always rooted on another evil which is also one of the central concepts in Plato’s discussion on The Republic – private property. In this respect, we are together with Plato, Marx and Engels on the belief that a perfect society can only be attained through the abolition of private property. Adopting the arguments in both The Republic and The Communist Manifesto on the evil of accumulation of private property, we are going to solely base the attainment of a just and order society by the virtue of the abolition of such characteristic in the society. Discussing whether our modern arrangement can afford a framework wherein private properties were abolished, we are going to answer if the world can attain true justice and order in the future. For more than 200 years, the framework and system of capitalism had managed to encroach in every part of our lives. Ranging from the mainstream politics of liberalism to our food in our refrigerators up to our system of education, the world had been dependent and managed to exist on capitalist grounds. The ideas of capitalism have been engraved on every human psyche that made us always think in terms of currencies, money and other capitalist traditions. The question is very simple and it is this, â€Å"Is it possible shift to a society wherein accumulation of private properties was abolished just like the socialist community of Marx or Plato’s republic. The answer is very simple. Yes. The history had taught us that a shift from a feudal or capitalist society (i. e. the case of China, Russia, Cuba, and North Korea) to a communist country (socialist in the future) is possible. Reviewing the history, these countries had managed to shift to a society that is communal in nature using the revolutions of the masses, the workers or the farmers. However, the answer is not as simple as it seems to be. Though the answer is straight yes, we must remember that the price to pay for this kind of shift is hefty and huge. We must remember that these countries managed to attain communal revolutions through the death of hundreds of thousands or even millions of lives. In the case of China, much of their cultural and historical artifacts were destroyed and sacrificed for these kinds of shift and revolution. The communal revolution had been so bloody and costly that it connotes negativity for many people (Gascoigne, 2010). Now, we must ask ourselves if we are willing to pay the price for this kind of revolution. Are we ready to let go the benefits, the beauty and the luxury of a capitalist society for the pursuit of the idea of a just and stable society? Are we ready to give up our properties and let the central government to decide on what we have to do or what will be our job? Are we ready to boycott anything that is a product of the capitalist system? Are we ready to go ‘underground’ and grab weapons and arms to fight the reigning capitalist class? All of these questions must be answered first before we can be able to decide if we are ready to pursue the just and orderly society that a communal society (that abolishes private property) promises. Lastly, it is important to note for each one of us that the basis of our discussion for the criteria of our just and order society are only the writings of thinkers such as Plato, Engels and Marx. We are never sure if their ideas can really work on the real world. Reviewing the history with the nations and countries that follow them, we can conclude that the communal government that abolished private property is not as perfect as what is seems to be (though we can also argue that they were wrong in understanding and following these thinkers). However, the question will remain simple, The question is simply, â€Å"Are we ready to sacrifice our current societal arrangement for the pursuit of an idea that are not still sure. † This is a very important question. This is an addition to the difficulty of the shift or revolution itself. These questions should be answered before we have to do anything. It is very difficult that in the end, as we pursue these ideas, we will found ourselves in the end frustrated because of the mistakes, errors and inaccuracy that made us sacrificed what we already had. The point in this discussion is simple. Assuming that the thinkers in the name of Plato, Engels and Marx were true (which is difficult to prove), the question whether we can create a just and orderly society remain complicated. It is no longer a simple Yes or No. The capitalist system and framework had been so wide and huge that it became difficult to kill it. Even if we managed to kill it, there is also a possibility that we can also be killed in the process due to our heavy dependence on it. It can be said that the last ten generations had been bred by the capitalist system making it difficult for any one of us to counter it. However, the possibility of shifting to a society that Marx and Plato had thought is still possible. Yet, the question will remain, â€Å"Are we ready to do what is necessary to achieve such system? †

Monday, July 22, 2019

Education For Life Essay Example for Free

Education For Life Essay Education For LifeThe basic purpose of a liberal arts education is to liberate the human being to exercise his or her potential to the fullest. Liberal arts plays an important role in developing individuals and the world. When students attend liberal art colleges, they will understand the essence of humanity and will learn to shape and develop personal values. For a person to develop, he needs to understand the essence of humanity. When you attend college, your view on the meaning of life changes. You live for your minds and spirits and not just for the security of material wealth (Urbanek). You start to do things related to your work as this is your interest. This will make you care less about material wealth and you will focus more on the benefit of the world than the benefit of yourself. Liberal arts means arts of freedom. People learn about things that interest them. This makes the experience of learning better. Students will recognize the value of material things for what they are (Urbanek). They will start challenging tasks of design where they would learn how to translate ideas into actions. They will get to know the depth, flexibility and openness of their thinking and will also be able to recognize the importance of their thinking. Taking these ideas into consideration, I can say that liberal arts teaches people global responsibility, social awareness and self development, which is the essence of humanity. Thus, when the essence of humanity is known, then only a person will be able to acquire personal values. The value of liberal arts was appreciated by the students in older times but contemporary students do not share the same sentiment. In 1900, 70 percent of college students in US attended liberal arts colleges but today fewer that 5 percent do. The idea has taken hold by educators that todays youth are more materialistic, less idealistic and more self interested than their predecessors (Richard). In 1997, Yankelovitch survey focused on high school students and their parents, found that 85 percent of the high school students and 74 percent of their parents stated that the goal of college is to get a practical education and to secure a job. Furthermore, only 14 percent of the students and 27percent of their parents were even familiar with what a liberal art education is. Todays students tend to be career oriented, impatient and focused in material rewards (Kahn). People do not know that liberal arts can offer a clearer understanding that work embodies the values of courage, honour and responsibility. Liberal art colleges expose you to a variety of academic disciplines and an excellent background for future work. The education gives you the ability to adapt to a changing environment, communicate effectively, think critically and solve complex problems, which can prove very useful in everyday lives. As you acquire personal values throughout your college years, it is important to learn how to shape these values. I believe that the central purpose of liberal arts education is to shape the values of people. The impact of liberal arts education on student value change is conclusive in determining whether higher education is effective in achieving this central purpose. According to a survey conducted at the University of California at Los Angeles, 8 out of 10 academics said they were spiritual, and 64 percent called themselves religious. More than half of the faculty members said that it was important to enhance undergraduates self-understanding and to develop their moral character and values. I think liberal arts is a great way to teach people their spiritual and moral responsibilities towards the community and world itself. Humanitarian values are defined by acceptance of value equivalency between ones own loyalties and those of all other individuals and groups, as well as respecting the rights of others to freely express similar claims and loyalties without infringement (Hollway). Values serve as guiding principles in the life of a person or other social entity and thus, it is important for people to learn how to shape these values. Values are described as serving the interests of some social entity, motivating action, giving direction, and having emotional intensity (Hollway). Therefore, these values are needed for the development of individuals. When individuals possess these values, they will be able to use them in their society. Employers around the world are looking for people who possess these values and have the ability to use them. Hence, liberal arts students will satisfy these employers. These students will also find opportunities to learn more as their primary goal is not material wealth. This will help countries to better their economy. These values will benefit the students themselves as well as the world. Once a person understands the essence of humanity and learns to shape and develop values, he will be able to make changes to the world. Liberal arts students have the skills to become valuable community members. They make decisions, solve problems and communicate the solutions to others. Liberal arts prepares these students to be successful throughout their life. WORKS CITEDUrbanek, Jennifer. The EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Kahn, Beverly. Co-opting The Market Place. Journal of Higher Education: p. 19. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Richard, M. The Practical Path, Too, Can Be High-Minded. Chronicle of Higher Education: p. 11. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007 Hollway, Michael. A Comparison of the Impact of 2 Liberal Arts. Journal of General Education: p. 237. EBSCOhost. 28 Oct. 2007.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Teaching Essays Curriculum Development Learning Styles

Teaching Essays Curriculum Development Learning Styles Focus on Curriculum Development Learning Styles Introduction: There are different learning styles that have developed with accompanying tests that helps individuals to understand their learning styles. A learning style is a method that is used to educate which is particular to a specific individual and which is assumed that if used by that individual, it will help them to learn their best. It has been described as that particular style that helps individuals to process the stimuli of their mind which helps them to understand what they are being taught. Though the concept of learning style is relatively young having gained ground in the 1970s, it has become an important process in the modern education especially on matters concerning how teachers use it in the curriculum and how it is used in the development of the curriculum. It has been found out that if teachers understand the learning styles of their pupil, they can help their students to adapt to the needs of their classroom work and hence make the process of learning interesting to them. Therefore it has been found quite important to integrate the various learning styles of students in the curriculum in order to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of the various students who are taught using the same curriculum. (Wang and Nagy, 2007) This paper looks at different learning styles that have been identified. It will try to relate the learning styles with how they are being in the curriculum. Hence the focus will be on the learning styles and how the curriculum has been developed to cater for the needs of different learning styles. But first let us look at learning styles. Models and theories of learning styles There are more that 80 learning styles that have been proposed but all of them consist of some basic styles. There are three basic learning models that have been identified and that are used by learners. Let us look at these models. Visual learners This is a model where student learn through seeing. It is a method in which ideas, concepts, and other information are closely associated with the images that are represented in a graphical manner. The learner just need to see the body language of the teacher and the facial expression that the teacher in order to understand what they are teaching. This method is mostly used by those students who are able to concentrate for a long time and who prefer to sit in front of their classrooms in order to avoid any distraction to their visual aids. These students may think in pictures and at the same time learn form the visual displays like diagrams, overhead transparencies, videos, flip charts, and other materials which use visual aids to communicate. The learners are usually very much attentive during the classroom lessons and they take notes in order to absorb most of the information that is being given by the teacher. (Lawrence, 1999) Researches have found out that visual learning theory helps students to improve in many education areas including critical thinking where they are likely to link graphics with verbal and visual information and draw understanding from such a relationship, retention where these students are likely to remember most of the information which was visually or verbally represented, comprehension where student can understand new ideas and connect then to their previous experience or knowledge, and organization where the students can actually use diagrams in order to organize large amount of data in a way that it can be easily understood. The base of this learn style lies in the way a student can visualize the data and later interpret it and build literacy along that data. (Sather, 2007) Auditory Learning Style This is a style where students learn through listening. In this style, students learn through verbal lectures which include a variety of discussions, talking and listening. The student who uses this style may not strive to be in front of the classroom but they like staying at a distance where they can get most of what is happening. They are able to interpret the meaning of a speech through interpreting the underlying tone of teacher voice, pitch, speed and other nuances of speech. They may not concentrate on writing what is being said but they are very keen on listening what is being said. They don’t rush to take notes but they take time to write their notes. The learners also can benefit a lot from reading aloud texts and also use a tape recorder. This style is used by about 20 percent of the population. In most instances, when these students are learning, the read but they cannot understand if there is no sound in the background. Therefore most to them will be reading and at the same time listening to music or any other background noise. Some of the students have been found to read when there is noise in the background. These learners focus more on the sound that they are hearing that what they are learning. When they are spelling, they usually use sounds. In case they meet with individuals, they are likely to forget their faces but remember their names. These students also like to talk a lot. (Kolb, 2003) Tactile or Kinesthetic Learners These can be described as learners who learn by moving, doing or touching. They have been descried as learning best through a hands approach in which they actively explore the physical world around them. Although they may appear like restless students how finds it hard to sit still for long period, they use their restlessness in moving and touching to learns. In this regard, this learning style is said to take place when student carry out the physical learning activity instead of taking their time to listen or watch the demonstration of a learning activity. Student who use this learning styles have been said to the some of the natural discoverers learners as they are able to achieve most of their learning through practical applicability of the theories unlike having thought over something for along time and then initiating the concept. However there is not evidence that has been shown to support the efficacy of the kinesthetic theory of learning. Going by the above learning theories, the visual learners makes up to 30 percent of the population while the auditory learners are around 20 to 25 percent. There fore kinesthetic learners could make up majority of the population in this regard making up to about 45 percent of learners. Kinesthetic learners have been found to be more efficient in the other physical activities at school and in other areas of application. This analysis gives us the three major types of learning styles that are used. This shows diversity that exists in the student population and therefore there is need to understand this diversity in order to be an effective curriculum instructor. This indicates that though a teacher may be having student in the same class, they m ay be having diverse needs than the physical needs that the teacher can actually see in the students. Therefore as was said in the introduction, there is need for the teacher to have full knowledge of the diverse learning styles of each and every student in order to cater for their needs. Without such and understand of the learning styles of students, it would be hard for a teacher to identify students and classify them into their respective learning styles. This would help the teacher to serve them well. Let us now look at how the curriculum is developed in order to cater for the needs of these students. (Fang, 2002) Curriculum Development and Learning Styles Curriculum is used to support the effort of the teacher in education. A curriculum is just a set of program that gives detail on how students should be taught. It acts as guideline that is systematically made to allow learner to understand concepts it stages. It is an important tool not only to the teacher but also to the learners. Educators place so much emphasize on the design of the curriculum since it has impacts on the education of the students. Curriculum and instruction are some of the most important sectors in education. Hence we can say the curriculum is the base of any education process. (McCarthy, 2004) As we have said learning theories are very imprint in the education process. This is because they have an impact on the design of not only the curriculum but also instruction and assessment. Learning theories are considered when coming up with the process since they are important in supporting the education process. Learning theories are important in the curriculum since educator place a lot of emphases on the intuition, feeing, sensing, imagination and other aspects that are important in helping the student understand what they are being taught. In the curriculum learning styles are also important in analyze, reason and the problem solving process. In the instruction, learning theories have an impact in that teachers should come up with their own instruction methods which will help the students understand what they are being taught. Teachers should come up with instruction methods that caters for the needs of the students using the above four learning styles. This means that it will first take the teacher time to understand the kind of learners who are in the class and try to address their needs in the process of teaching. A teacher will use various experiences that have been gained over time. In addition a teacher will be expect to use reflections, conceptualization and experimentations in coming up with the best teaching method that will help the students understand. As instructors of the curriculum, teachers can introduce variety of experiment elements in the classrooms like sound, music, visuals, body movement, verbal lecturing and other methods which will cater for the needs of the students. For a teacher to know whether they are giving needed curriculum and instruction to the student, they are likely to assess the students. This is a part of the curriculum which shows the effective of the design and implementation of the curriculum. In this regard, teachers must understanding the needs and learning styles of different students in order to come up the proper assessment techniques. Because teachers cannot give different assessment tests to different students according to their learning style, they should therefore employ various techniques in the assessment that will help them to develop all the brains in their classroom. In their regard, the assessment tests should be balance such that it addresses all the needs of students without giving undue advantage to others. The curriculum is made up of the above mentioned three aspects. That means that there is the curriculum content, there must be defined was in which the curriculum shall be instructed to the students, and it must provide means of assessment for the contents of the curriculum. Therefore the provision of the curriculum must be based on the learning style as had been illustrate above. Consideration of the learning styles is very crucial in the learning environment since it dictates the way the curriculum is developed. In developing the curriculum, there must be effort to address the needs of each and every student. As we have seen from our analysis, the biggest percentage among the student population perhaps the kinesthetic learner who constitute about 45 percent of the population. Therefore the curriculum must take into consideration this proportion of the population in order to have relevant and effective contents. The content of the curriculum must give specific details which ensure that the deliver of the contents will have more practical work than theoretic work. This is in order to work with the percentage of the population that is high in the population. Unfortunately many curriculums that have been designed have not kept to the issue of learning theories in the population. This makes many of the curriculums unable to meet their expectation. The expectation of any curriculum is to impart knowledge to the students in the simplest manner possible. This will help them to gain knowledge easily. Therefore if the curriculum is to meet its goals, it must be designed in a way that it addressed the needs of each and every learner in the population. In this regard the curriculum may be having the contents that take care of the learners but the instructors may fail to implement these provisions. This makes learning ineffective and student underperforms. Conclusion As we have seen there are various learning styles that are used by students. These learning styles are important since they help each and every student to understand the contents of the curriculum in the simplest way possible. Teachers as the instructors of the curriculum must understand the learning style of their students in order to give them the best instructions that they need in their learning process. The design of the curriculum must also take care of the needs of each and every student. Therefore the curriculum should be developed in a way that its content, instruction and the assessment guides must give each and every student an advantage. This means that teachers as the instructors of the curriculum have a role to play to ensure that the needs of each and every student is met. Reference Fang, A. (2002). Utilization of learning styles in curriculum development. New York State Kolb, D. (2003). Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. New York: Wiley Lawrence, G. (1999). Practical Guide to Learning Styles; Oxford University McCarthy, B. (2004). Teaching to Learning Styles; London: Routledge Sather, A. (2007). The benefit of principals and teaching of supporting youth engagement in school; NASSP Bulletin December 2007 Wang, N. Nagy, J. (2007): The alternate route teacher transition to the class. NASSP Bulletin, March 2007

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Marriage in Christina Rossettis Promises Like Pie-Crust and Edgar Alla

Marriage in Rossetti's Promises Like Pie-Crust and Poe's Bridal Ballad  Ã‚      In Christina Rossetti's "Promises Like Pie-Crust" and Edgar Allan Poe's "Bridal Ballad" female speakers encounter the milestone of marriage. Facing strong pressures from society, Rossetti's speaker refuses marriage in three well-reasoned arguments which are veiled in a guise of superciality. Conversely, Poe's speaker accepts marriage, but by the end of the poem realizes the dire consequences of her decision. Rossetti knows what she wants and does not want out of life; subsequently, Rossetti realizes that personal satisfaction and even joy may exist without a man and thus makes the tough decision not to marry. Poe's naive bride trusts in society and marries not out of love but in an attempt to attain happiness. Failing to either examine her inner thoughts or accept her misgivings, Poe's bride remains emotionally unready to marry. A paragon of the nineteenth century woman, Poe's bride, despite her doubts, succumbs to marriage whereas Rossetti's strong-willed speaker vehemently rejects the institution.    Poe's ostensible conformity opposes Rossetti's independent spirit; however, society's pressures affect both women. Poe writes "Bridal Ballad" in 1837 in America while Rossetti writes "Promises Like Pie-Crust" during the Victorian era in England; during both periods society demands that women marry (Mayberry 11).   Referring to the unwedded woman as an "old maid" or "spinster", society reinforces the notion that matrimony alone leads to a contented, blissful state. Born and bred to marry, a woman's disruption of the wed-and-then- procreate cycle engenders not only society's disrespect but also frightening uncertainty for the woman (Mayberry 11). ... ...ed bliss." Emotionally attached to her dead lover, Poe's bride proves her incapability of loving anyone else besides the dead D'Elormie. Citing several valid reasons, Rossetti eschews the decadent dessert while Poe's bride, deafened to reason by society's expectations, ignores Rossetti's arguments, seeks marriage as a panacea, and chokes on her medicine. Works Cited Greenblatt, Stephen, and M. H. Abrams. â€Å"Christina Rossetti.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 9th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 2012. 1489-512. Print.   Sova, Dawn B. â€Å"Bridal Ballad†. Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work, Critical Companion. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2007. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 11 Dec. 2010. CCEAP1298&SingleRecord=True>.

Suicide Protests :: Suicidal Drugs Pills Papers

Suicide Protests An eager young activist with a thick cinnamon beard shouted at his fellow Brown students who whisked hurriedly past his table and into the post office in the spring of 1984. Few, if any, had time to listen to a lunatic raging about the end of the world and nuclear disarmament. An older woman stopped to listen to his angry litany "Do you know that the government expects you to survive a nuclear war in your dorm basement?" he asked. The woman paused, contemplating. Finally, she answered, "Why don't you start a club, Students for Suicide Pills?" since, she said, suicide pills seem a better option than any fallout shelter. Jason Salzman did not take the proposal as a joke as it was intended. Instead, he immediately visualized Students for Suicide Tablets (SST). Justifying the existence of such an odd, morbid group of students caused a major logistical problem: how to find members who would consider joining. Salzman had a group of activist friends, but he was tired of long meetings and the apathy of his peers about the seriousness of nuclear war. Many were diligent in 1981 and 1982 about circulating anti-nuclear weapons petitions around campus and attending in 1982 the nation's largest peaceful protest in New York City to support a nuclear freeze. The idea seemed to have lost its novelty, however, and instead was replaced by a pervasive Reagan-esque attitude that nuclear war was an inevitable and winnable showdown. The decade of the 1980s was filled with patriotic rhetoric about staying ahead in the nuclear arms race, with the heads of both superpowers insistent on playing a game of nuclear chess, instead of engaging in earnest discussion about disarmament. The US was both on the offensive and defensive, demonstrated by Reagan's paranoid, expensive and useless "Star Wars" defense system in 1983. Around the world, protestors in Rome, Bonn, and London demanded Soviet-American negotiations, yet Reagan de-prioritized arms reductions talks during the early 1980s. In the midst of the largest peacetime arms buildup, military spending was upwards of $28 million an hour while Reagan spewed forth his "devil theory" about the Soviet Union being an "evil empire" willing to "lie and cheat" to struggle for a communist world. Indeed, the idea of nuclear war became so commonplace that comments about the frivolity of credit cards and the high desirability of the common shovel after a nuclear attack became the stale jokes of a cynical conversation.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Three Flags :: Essays Papers

The Three Flags Whenever I go into my bedroom, I see three large flags. One drapes the stairs and two cover the walls. If I take the time to notice them, I can’t help but smile. These flags are the national coat of arms of Germany; Germany’s greatest state Bavaria; and the national flag of Austria. The three of them serve to remind me of the summer of my junior year. During that summer I went on a class trip to Germany and Austria. These flags have become the greatest souvenirs of the trip. When I returned, I hung them carelessly to avoid finding an appropriate storage place. Now their presence is important for the good memories of that summer that they bring to my mind. I never had the opportunity to travel abroad as a young boy, so the European trip was extremely important to me. It was the first time I was without the supervision of my puritan parents and I remember it as if it were yesterday. All my closest friends from that period in my life were along on the trip. The shared experiences of our lives at school continued that summer, during what was a great adventure for us all. When my present life provides me with a moment to reflect I look at those flags and remember a great experience and great friends. I think not only of Germany, but also of other universities, other colleges, and even boot camps that have become the homes for those who shared my life and shared that summer. It’s difficult to casually walk by those three flags these days and briefly reminisce over the memories they evoke. Too often I find myself staring for a minute, then sitting down in my room to revisit the joy in my mind. I take those opportuni ties to wonder how my good friends are doing off in their lives abroad and even to offer up a prayer for their well being. The people that I went with to Europe that summer and I now share an unbreakable bond. We still reminisce and even those who were only acquaintances at the time have become friends as if forever.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Increasing Driving Age Limits in Alberta

Increasing Safety by Increasing Age Limits of Drivers Many Albertans and fellow Canadians may agree that driving is an act of responsibility and maturity. Giving out licenses to teenagers, who tend to make risky and thoughtless decisions, is something the country should considered prohibiting. Due to such careless actions, crash rates are much higher for younger drivers than older, more experienced ones. The increase in fatality for teen drivers may be highly influenced by the lack of wearing seat belts, and their tendency to speed more. Not only are they creating a huge risk for themselves, but also for others around them. The driving age limit in Alberta, as well as in Canada, should be raised to eighteen to ensure the safety of other citizens and teens themselves. By decreasing the rate of accidents, preventing recklessness and carelessness on the roads, and lastly ensuring that all laws are obeyed when driving, may be a step towards the right direction of creating a safer community, and more manageable society. To decrease fatality and accident rates in Alberta, the age of obtaining a license should be raised. Service Alberta states, that to begin learning to drive an automobile you must be at least fourteen, while to obtain a license you must be a minimum of sixteen years-old (Driver’s License; Class 5). To save lives, not only in Alberta, but also nation-wide, the government should greatly consider changing this law. According to Daniel R. Mayhew, crash rates tend to decline as age increases (Changes in collision rates among novice drivers during the first months of driving). â€Å"Teen drivers make up about 7 percent of licensed drivers, but they account for 14 percent of the fatalities in accidents† (Teenager Car Accident Statistics). With this knowledge, Albertans should invest more determination in the upbringing of the age limit to cause less worry for their citizens. Some steps have already been taken, such as bringing in a Graduated Driving License program; which requires driver’s to complete many different steps of learning and training, before a full license is received (Teenager Car Accident Statistics). Within a short ten-year span, the nation is able to see that teen crash rates have dropped 7 percent (Teenager Car Accident Statistics). Possibly raising the age at, which teens must be supervised to drive, may also improve their driving skills, and at the same time lead to fewer accidents. Obtaining a license, should become a more in depth, and challenging process to save more lives. Not only do fatality statistics raise awareness to increase the driving age, but also the recklessness and carelessness teens have on the road. Many non-fatal accidents are caused by not paying attention, visual distraction, speeding, failure to recognize hazards and emergency maneuvers (Young novice drivers: careless or clueless? . Due to a combination of these factors, individuals may believe that teens should not be driving at such an early age, because it may make them poor drivers (Is 16 the right age to obtain driver's license? ). Peer pressure among young drivers from fellow passengers may greatly impact driving capability. Being able to take on distractions such as conversations or texting is a skill acquired through multitasking . According to research, multitasking matures deep in the twenties (Is 16 the right age to obtain driver’s license? . Therefore, teens are more subjected to distraction that may occur on the road, which cause many more dangers for those around them. To improve driving conditions among all citizens, mainly teens, Alberta enforced a new distracted driving law. â€Å"Under the new law, drivers will be prohibited from talking, texting or emailing on a hand-held cellphone, using hand-held radio communication devices, using other electronic devices, reading, writing or personal grooming while behind the wheel† (Government of Alberta). Trying to eliminate carelessness and irresponsibility on Alberta roads can be greatly improved through fewer distractions, and a much lesser need to multitask. Besides new laws being placed, government should still consider enforcing an age increase to obtain a driver’s license, to ensure the safety of all. With this in mind, raising the driving age is definitely a step in the right direction, as it can decrease many common broken laws. Not wearing a seatbelt, or careless drunk driving are only a few that are broken every day. Teens may not realize the consequences and costs that every broken law entitles. For simply not wearing a seat belt, a driver can be fined between $200 to $1000, and lose two demerit points; where for a GDL driver only eight are allowed (One person, one seat belt). â€Å"Teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use. According to surveys about 10% of high school students report they do not wear seat belts† (Teen Car Accidents). Novice driver’s immaturity and naiveness not only puts their own lives in danger, but as well as others. While the seat belt law is commonly broken, driving under the influence is more frequent among teenagers. â€Å"60% of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol related† (Statistics Teenage Drunk Driving). Much of underage drinking occurs at house parties, hosted by high school students. Feeling confident and in control a teenager might rush into a car, expecting nothing to happen. When in reality the police may stop them, or worse they may land in a fatal crash. â€Å"Social host laws for minors aim to reduce teenage alcohol consumption by imposing liability on adults who host parties† (Angela K. Dills). This is government’s way to prevent adults from supporting underage drinking, which leads to nothing but harm. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) is also an anti-drinking and driving group, whose mission is to stop impaired driving and to support victims of this violent crime (MADD Canada). Albertans are able to see that teens break laws more readily than older, more experienced driver, which is why the driving age should be raised to a more respectable one. Therefore, a consensus should be made among the nation, to raise the driving age to eighteen. Not only will there be a dramatic decrease in accidents, but also a greater care and sense of responsibility on the roads. Lack of speeding and being more considerate about wearing seat belts, may greatly increase the chances of survival while driving. Not only should personal safety precautions be considered, but also the effects of multitasking. As discovered earlier, multitasking is an acquired skill that develops at an older age, which increases a driver’s safety and compatibility on the roads. More careful driving skills tend to be associated with maturity, which is also tends to be associated with safe alcohol use. Teens don’t consider the consequences and make quick, thoughtless decisions that land many other citizens in harmful places or positions. Raising the age limit to obtain a license could be a step in the right direction of creating a safer society with fewer injuries and fatalities. Work Cited Admin. â€Å"Teenager Car Accident Statistics-What You, As a Parent, Must Know. † Car Accident Injury Claim. N. p. 10 May 2010. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. caraccidentinjuryclaims. org/teenager-car-accident-statistics-what-you-as-a-parent-must-know/; â€Å"Alberta’s distracted driving law comes into effect Sept. . † Government of Alberta: Building a better Alberta. N. p. August 25, 2011. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://alberta. ca/home/NewsFrame. cfm? ReleaseID=/acn/201108/ 3116101959656-A64D-B176-309E915FDAED40BA. html; Dills Angela K. â€Å"Social host liability for minors and underage drunk-driving accidents. † Journal of Health Economics 29 (2010): 241-249. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 November 2011 â€Å"Driver’s License. † Government of Alberta: Service Alberta. N. p. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011 ; http://www. servicealberta. gov. ab. ca/Drivers_Licence. fm#Class_5_Licence; Mayhew Daniel R. , Herbert M. Simpson, Anita Pak. â€Å"Changes in collision rates among novice drivers during the first months of driving. † Accident Analysis and Prevention 35 (Spring 2002): 683-691. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 November 2011. McKnight A. James, A. Scott McKnight. â€Å"Young novice drivers: careless or clueless? † Accident Analysis and Prevention 35 (2003): 921-925. Academic Search Complete. Web. 21 November 2011. â€Å"One person, one seat belt. † Seat Belts: Stay Safe and Secure. Ministry of Transportation. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011. lt; http://www. mto. gov. on. ca/english/safety/seatbelt. shtml; â€Å"Statistics Teenage Drunk Driving. † Learn-About-Alcoholism. com. N. p. n. d We b. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. learn-about-alcoholism. com/statistics-teenage-drunk-driving. html; â€Å"Teen Car Accidents. Teenage Car Crashes. † Teen Car Accidents: Pictures, Statistics ; Stories. N. p. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. car-â€Å"accidents. com/teen-car-accidents. html; â€Å"What We Do† MADD Canada N. p. n. d. Web. 21 November 2011. ; http://www. madd. ca/madd2/en/about/about_what_we_do. html;

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Radio One, Incorporated

radio set maven, In mergedd In general ? Assume a corporate tax rate of 34%, and a market risk premium of 7. 2%. ? Data in exhibit 9 are in $1,000. ? Show and explicate either your calculations, i. e. the reader/grader must be able to follow your reasoning and be able to understand all your calculations without employ time to reconstruct your numbers. ? Make superfluous assumptions if necessary, but make them explicitly. ? Good luck. ? Questions 1. wherefore does Radio One want to lead the 12 urban place from pass along Channel Communications in the round top 50 markets along with the 9 stations in Charlotte, North Carolina, Augusta, Georgia, and Indianapolis, Indiana? What are the benefits and risks? 2. What harm should Radio One gallop on a discounted bullion track down analysis assuming all integrity financing? ? Show and explain bullion flows items needed to be estimated to get pertinent cash flows in 2001 2004. Estimate germane(predicate) cost of capital to c alculate PV of pertinent cash flows assuming acquisition is all equity financed. ? Estimate terminal nourish of potential acquisitions after forecast decimal point ends in 2004. ? What hurt should Radio One hold out on a discounted cash flow analysis using relevant cash flow in 2001 2004 and a terminal value in 2004? ? ar the cash flow projections (in forecast check and terminal value) reasonable?If not revise your calculations. 3. What worth should Radio One passing game on a transaction quadruplicate for equal transactions analysis? What price should Radio One offer on a trading multiple of comparable firm analysis? 4. Assuming that Radio Ones stock price is 30? BCF, can it offer as much as 30? BCF for the forward-looking stations without reducing the stock price? 5. What price should Radio One offer for the new stations?

Highlight on Nations Hostile to the United States: Outlook in Iran and North Korea Essay

The proliferation of nuclear ordnances combined with anti-Ameri arouse pattern in prominent medication and rogue groups in Iran and northeastward Korea certainly give rise for concern in the unify States goernments dealing with these countries. The temperament of these hostilities must be uncovered in mold to proceed with understanding how these sentiments arose historically, culturally, and as a authorization take up of religiosity. Certainly the political political sciences of both countries experience their similarities in the propaganda that is portrayed to each countrys citizens respectively.However, groups like Hezbollah in Iran certainly keep this country unique, considering the rogue nature of this group as well as the apparitional underpinnings that help to conduct it and its militancy. However, northwestward Korea is unlike Iran in that the citizens of sexual union Korea argon strictly under the hard and dull rule of the regime with proscribed rogue groups and religions motivations to further expatiate this anti-the Statesn issue. In looking at both political regimes, Iran is a theocracy with religion as its core base of decisions made for and against the horse opera and non-Arab world.North Korea is a highly rigid authoritarian regime that violates the human rights of its batch consistently in order to scargon them into submission. As well, the propaganda that is spread regarding the Western world keeps citizens in both countries in a very fearful and controlled environment. When this fear leads to anger, it is of no admiration that citizens turn to a militant bureau of thinking, in order to stave of their fear. However, in Iran religion as well demonizes non- Islamic citizens and leaders of the United States as infidels, deserving of punishment.In North Korea, religion plays no motive, but the propel to militancy is a way to stave of starvation and imprisonment, which is a common tactic of Kim Jong-ils regime. This token of socialization experienced by the good deal of both countries is a part of the strict indoctrination by twain regimes that employ fear as a weapon of mass control. Conversely, the American people are in fear of weapons of mass destruction and the divide mingled with the American culture and the two Eastern cultures are vast.The regime of Kim Jong-il can be considered more of a cult with a cult pursuance of the people of North Korea toward their leader, who is worshipped like a religious God might be. On the other sink Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is classed as a president of his country, through a supposedly democratic and theocratic election. However, many members of contend parties have voiced concern over the truth of these elections. Dissent toward Ahmadinejad has been met with violence and imprisonment, as well as dissent against Kin Jong-il.Therefore, it is fair to say that since Kim Jong-il is to perch North Koreas leader throughout his animation and that there is much specula tion that Ahmadinejad can below the belt rig elections, that the people have reason to be fearful of the power of the ruling party for an undefined period of time. Certainly the religious customs associated with Islam can be upsetting to women, as they are loaded and virtually voiceless in the cultural and war machine change that might be beneficial to rest and prosperity to the future of Iran.Men in this country, on the other hand, have little incentive to change, since their sexual activity allows them much power. The fact that the government, as well, supports Hezbollah, Hamas, and other Palestinian terrorist organizations and has be known to harbor members of Al al-Qaida and the Taliban also gives the men in this country a reason to nab how militancy is a way to join in causes that have meaning to them culturally and have the potential to unite them with an entire effect across borders and with supporters in various countries in the Muslim world and elsewhere.Although i t must be noted that this sheath of unified Arab ideal is a relatively bracing cultural trend, as much of the hatred that is aimed toward America is authord to be from Americas support of Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War. As well, interpreting the Quaran as a source of inspiration for militancy can compound the riddle with men in the country becoming a part of a militant group. Although, women cannot be counted out completely, most of the members of militant groups are men.The militancy of the people of North Korea can be contributed to the strict government policy that supports military strength and has allies with as well as strong governments with notably strong armies China and Russia. though the people of North Korea are in terrific poverty, the military is one way of avoiding this and becoming part of an aspiring nation that simply refuses to stop getting and testing missiles despite sanctions imposed by the United States and their allies.Certainly when sanctions involve econo mic issues, such as cutting off needed food or equipment for farming, the already indoctrinated people of the country can considerably back this leader when he makes hateful claims just just about and against America. As well, the nature of the country to be cut-off from modes of training from the outside world does nothing to help the citizens in realizing that their severely impoverished country with a atrocious record of human rights violations is not always giving out correct and accurate information about their enemy, the United States.It can be disk operating systemd that Kim Jong-il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are in essence, terrorists themselves as they terrorize their citizens through oppression, indoctrination, and propaganda. The citizens of both countries are socialized from an early age to see the power of the ruling party and the futility of uprising against them.The fear that is instilled in the people can then reiterate in militancy and a feeling of world part o f something coercive or productive. In the pillowcase of the military members of North Korea, poverty can be averted. In the case of Iran, a feeling of following the Quaran along with being united with Muslims all over the world can lead to a powerful military force either through the state of insurgency groups.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Book Report on Pigeons at Daybreak Essay

The study authorize Pigeons at aurora by Anita Desai of India is a mental representation of cope and acceptance. Mr. Basu is the serviceman who is unavailing to arrange his labour on his knowledge because of the contrasting illnesses that actual into his body. Otima, the wife of Mr. Basu has the selfless roll in the hay towards him. She takes care of her keep up patronage of altogether the problems and complications that emerged in their postal service. Otima employ to transform the new-fangledsprint for Mr. Basu. Because Mr. Basu could not subject to lead the newsprint referable to inadequate eyesight, Otima produced deeper persistence and go to sleep for her husband. From the period when their dramatics had no electrical energy payable to electric problems, the both went to the workbench and pertinacious to put up thither until the electrical energy comes rearward only when the electricity went choke, Mr. Basu refused to go back intimate the put up for it was the duration of preparedness of leaving. Mr. Basu received the accompaniment that his bearing go step to the fore concisely aviate and call on get going of heaven. The pigeons in the bench where Mr. Basu died be his intent and his triping in the beside sprightliness. The written report is truthful withal attackable. Its sad situation brought manner to the full base. Then, with a gyrus and psychological disorder of feathers, a survey of pigeons hurtled upwards and fiesta out against the noodle of the set up opalescent, sunlit, like gauzy pearls (Desai 228). This finis blow up of the business relationship plastered the complete claim of the story. It essence that the ratiocination of the story signifies life as its wonderful macrocosm solely soon pass on stamp out because every adept of us exit turn over the gentleman in watcher and a new journey will begin. reference bookDesai, A. (date). Pigeons at Daybreak. pp. 220-228

Monday, July 15, 2019

John Locke Provisos Essay

tin peck buoy Locke was an side of meat philosopher who had the eyeshot that whole the outstanding unwashed baffle indispens decorous coers. Their inhering skillfuls include that of behavior. indecorum and billet and the eyeshot of these indemnifys world held by a character soulfulness is of 10 measures give tongue to to be the radical see of the Ameri bunsister resolution of Independence. Locke farther expl ains his dominion nates innate sounds in deuce Treatises of giving medication and queerly prop justifiedly in his Provisos. proerb the conditions the nock property domain or hidden.Lockes Provisos discusses the apprehension that property becomes confidential when a mysterious advertises upon the attri neverthelesse. His luculent thinking that the attain becomes the persons wiz-on- whiz prop is that a various(prenominal) has the flopfulness to the returns of his crunch. and he at whatever rate has the remediate to the imaginativeness that p two his fruits. in this pillowcase the keeping. As Locke says. He by his push back does. as it were. insert it from the communal ( rapsc whollyion 437 ) . By this he promoter that by tuging over the wreak. the orbit is interpreted mutilate from the death of purchase order. the crude. and becomes the sequestered attri besidese of the person.Locke excessively conceptualises that as oftmultiplication as a bouffanthearted virile tills. wagerss. improves. cultivates. and tooshie utilize the switch of. so oftentimes is his property ( rogue 437 ) . In this. he is precept that a prominent phallic provoke run short any homophile activity often as empennage be helpful to him telephone calling place in b ar(a) and non worldness able to do it arable is wrong because the proceedings allow so sound to featherbed rather of pram fruit. This is false because naught was do by matinee idol for self-aggrandizing manlik e to spoil or place down ( scalawag 436 ) and attri neverthelesse pour down fiction to salary off is along the resembling verges as destroying the bring down.This purpose from Lockes Provisos follows from his cerebration of normal conk outings rights. He gestates that res publica that has non been influenced by an single(a)s labour is get toed e deposit operational for all of conjunction. gentleman should exempt mean the territory and non prune it. but were it non for the institutionaliserescence and savagery of lead astray heavy(a) manly. at that place would be no contain of any other. no destiny that figure forces should distribute from this great and ingrained residential district ( rascal 441 ) . so far because world can non be trusted. Locke believes that unmatchable time a braggy mannish does nail down forwards take in charge to ruin a piece of keeping. that institute and the deals of it belong to him. Although that agricult ure faculty belong to 1 full-grown male. it is allay profiting the leftover of baseball club because the commissariats execution to the be draw of human brio produced by one(a) acre of enclose and urbane province be ten times much than those which are yielded by an acre of primer of an reach dissipation duplicity fluff in common ( varlet 437 ) . This is equivalent to the demeanor in which both a granger and society benefits from his fruit.The sodbuster and society both can fork over provender from his straddle and what crop goes to the resi due(p) of society. he is repaid for. which allows him to go on seeding seeds that will go on to encourage the common. A enounce of personal matters of private keeping that would date with one of the Lockean prep is keeping that is ac take uped by dint of coercing autochthonous Americans to live with the American imposts that were being impose and the American regulation. or to go forrard. such as with t he Indian removal forge that was subscribe into legislation in 1830.The inborn Americans had subject fielded the agriculture and do it con stock to to patronise up their brio elbow room and in the collect to achieve unembellished Destiny. vigor would choke up the situated heads of the Americans. Harmonizing to Locke. the e evoke of the realm unfeignedly belonged to the infixed Americans because they had laborious on the area to do it comfortable. They did non drub it they use the resources sagely and postcode went to mar with their minimalist life style. With the Indian remotion profess that hot seat Andrew capital of multiple sclerosis sign(a) into consequence. all inherent Americans had to be resettled to countries due west of the Mississippi River.The subjective Americans were distant on the earth that American colonisers unavoidable the land and cherished to accomplish march Destiny. another(prenominal) state of personal matters affect pr ivate belongings that would go against one of the Lockean provide would be that of the political science usurping land due to rent-free gross enhancements. In this state of affairs. a sodbuster could do yielded a freehand crop. but the learn for his crop declined greatly to the run that he is unable to do a big adequate remuneration income to pay his revenue enhancements.This could lead into a form for much gray-haired ages to come. at last fashioning the intend that the government activity can no durable notwithstanding guard seting the granger into more debt. The granger would tie to claim unsuccessful person and the government activity would prehend his land. This would go against Lockes estimate that the land a heavy(a) male plant. is his. The farmer was qualification the beaver he could. was profiting society. and never consented to losing his right to his land. but the governance took it remote anyhow.I believe that Locke right draws the line on private belongings because we withdraw the right over our ain native organizes. and if the work of those constituent(a) structures can bring together with resources to cite something. so we have the right to claim that merchandise and the resources we employ to do it. No 1 else put forth the onslaught and then the fruit of our attempts are ours. I believe that problematical work deserves yield and that pay is the right to the merchandise. As Locke says. The labour of his organic fertilizer structure and the work of his custodies. we may state. are flop his ( page 436 ) .